A Comprehensive Gemstones & Crystals Glossary

A Comprehensive Gemstones & Crystals Glossary - Sun Drunk

AMAZONITE: Self Confidence & Communication / Throat Chakra

Amazonite is a beautiful gemstone known for its striking blue-green color. It belongs to the feldspar mineral group and is typically found in granite rocks. Amazonite is named after the Amazon River in South America, although it is found in various parts of the world, including Brazil, Russia, and the United States.

One of the distinctive features of amazonite is its vibrant and soothing color, which ranges from pale green to turquoise. It often displays a mottled or speckled appearance due to the presence of other minerals within the stone.

In addition to its visual appeal, amazonite is believed to possess metaphysical properties. Many people believe that wearing or carrying amazonite can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional trauma. It is also thought to enhance communication, intuition, and creativity.

Amazonite is commonly associated with the throat chakra. The throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha, is the fifth primary chakra in the body's energy system. It is located at the base of the throat and is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

Amazonite is believed to support and balance this energy center. It is said to assist in clear and effective communication, both in expressing one's thoughts and feelings and in listening attentively to others. Amazonite is thought to promote self-confidence, self-expression, and the ability to communicate one's truth with clarity and compassion.

Wearing or holding amazonite near the throat area is believed to help align and activate the throat chakra, allowing for better self-expression and communication. It is often used in chakra healing practices and meditation to facilitate the flow of energy in the throat chakra and promote a sense of harmony and balance in this area of the body's energy system.

ROSE QUARTZ: Love & Inner peace /Heart Chakra

Rose Quartz is a beautiful and popular gemstone that gets its color from traces of titanium, iron, or manganese present in its crystal structure. 

Rose Quartz is often associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is commonly referred to as the "stone of love" and is believed to open the heart chakra, promoting love, self-acceptance, and forgiveness. Many people use Rose Quartz to attract love, deepen relationships, and foster a sense of harmony and emotional well-being.

Beyond matters of the heart, Rose Quartz is also associated with promoting inner peace, calming emotions, and reducing stress and anxiety. It is believed to have a gentle and nurturing energy that aids in emotional healing and can help release negative energies and emotional blockages.

MOONSTONE: New beginnings & Intuition / Crown Chakra

Moonstone is a captivating gemstone known for its luminous and iridescent appearance. It belongs to the feldspar mineral group and is composed of alternating layers of orthoclase and albite. Moonstone derives its name from its visual resemblance to the moon's ethereal glow.

One of the most distinctive features of moonstone is its adularescence, which is a phenomenon where light appears to shimmer and move across the surface of the stone, giving it a magical and mystical quality. This effect is caused by the scattering of light from the internal structure of the stone's layers.

Moonstone is typically found in pale shades of white, gray, peach, and blue, although it can also occur in other colors. The most sought-after variety is the blue moonstone, known for its serene and ethereal appearance.

Moonstone has a rich history and has been revered in various cultures for centuries. In ancient folklore and mythology, it was believed to be connected to the moon and associated with feminine energy and intuition. Moonstone is often considered a stone of new beginnings, inner growth, and emotional healing.

Metaphysically, moonstone is associated with the crown and third eye chakras, enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. It is believed to promote emotional balance, harmony, and a deeper connection to one's inner self. Moonstone is also thought to assist with calming emotions, reducing stress, and supporting fertility and childbirth.

SAPPHIRE: Wisdom & Self Expression / Third Eye & Throat Chakra

Sapphire is a precious gemstone renowned for its beauty, durability, and rich color. It belongs to the corundum mineral species, with the same mineral composition as ruby. While sapphires are commonly associated with shades of blue, they can occur in a range of colors, including yellow, pink, green, purple, and orange. The color variations are due to different trace elements present in the crystal lattice.

It has been highly regarded throughout history and is often associated with royalty and elegance. The gemstone's mesmerizing blue hues have captivated people for centuries, and its durability makes it ideal for jewelry.

Sapphires have a remarkable hardness, measuring 9 on the Mohs scale, second only to diamonds. This hardness contributes to their durability and makes them suitable for everyday wear. 

Aside from their aesthetic appeal, sapphires have held symbolic significance in various cultures. They are associated with wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. In ancient times, sapphires were believed to protect wearers from harm and represent divine favor. They were also associated with spiritual enlightenment and clarity of thought.

Sapphires are believed to have metaphysical properties as well. They are said to enhance intuition, promote mental clarity, and facilitate spiritual growth. Different colors of sapphires are associated with different energies. For example, blue sapphire is associated with communication and self-expression, while yellow sapphire is linked to abundance and prosperity.

Sapphires, particularly blue sapphires, are believed to stimulate and balance the energy of the third eye chakra. They are thought to enhance intuitive abilities, expand awareness, and deepen spiritual connection

In addition to the third eye chakra, sapphires are also associated with the throat chakra (Vishuddha). The throat chakra is located in the throat area and is linked to communication, self-expression, and authenticity. Sapphires, with their blue color, are believed to support clear and effective communication, helping individuals express their thoughts and emotions with clarity and confidence.

SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN: Grounding & Self Discovery / Root Chakra

Snowflake Obsidian is a unique and visually striking variety of obsidian, which is a volcanic glass formed from the rapid cooling of lava. What sets Snowflake Obsidian apart is its characteristic white or gray snowflake-like patterns that form against a black background. These patterns are created by the inclusion of small, radial clusters of the mineral cristobalite.

Snowflake Obsidian is often associated with purity, balance, and transformation. It is believed to have a grounding and protective energy that helps shield against negativity and promote a sense of stability and inner harmony. This gemstone is thought to assist in releasing negative patterns and thought processes, encouraging personal growth, and aiding in the process of self-discovery.

Metaphysically, Snowflake Obsidian is associated with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra governs feelings of security, stability, and connection to the physical world. Snowflake Obsidian's grounding properties are said to help balance and align the root chakra, promoting a sense of stability, inner strength, and connection to the Earth.

Snowflake Obsidian is commonly used in jewelry-making, and its unique appearance adds a touch of intrigue to various accessories. It is also used as a polished stone for meditation and healing practices, helping individuals gain insights into their patterns and emotions while fostering a sense of calmness and balance.

When working with Snowflake Obsidian, it is important to note that the energy and effects of gemstones can be subjective and may vary from person to person. It is recommended to trust your own intuition and personal experiences when incorporating Snowflake Obsidian into your spiritual or healing practices.

PEACH AVENTURINE: Calm & Well-being / Sacral Chakra

Peach Aventurine is a variety of aventurine, a form of quartz characterized by its shimmering appearance and translucency. Peach Aventurine derives its name from its soft peach or orange color, which is created by the presence of iron oxide or hematite in the crystal structure.

Peach Aventurine is often associated with gentle and soothing energy, promoting a sense of tranquility, emotional healing, and positive outlook. It is believed to have a calming effect on the emotions, helping to release stress, anxiety, and worries. This gemstone is often used to support emotional well-being, promoting feelings of warmth, compassion, and inner peace.

Metaphysically, Peach Aventurine is associated with the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen. The sacral chakra is associated with creativity, emotions, and relationships. Peach Aventurine's warm and nurturing energy is said to resonate with the sacral chakra, helping to balance and activate it. It can assist in stimulating creativity, enhancing emotional expression, and fostering healthy relationships.

Peach Aventurine is also believed to have gentle healing properties, particularly in relation to the physical body. It is thought to support the immune system, enhance vitality, and promote overall well-being. Some people also use Peach Aventurine for skin conditions and to promote a healthy complexion.

RED JASPER: Resilience & Strength / Root Chakra

Red Jasper is a vibrant and earthy gemstone known for its deep red color and rich patterns. It is a form of microcrystalline quartz and is composed primarily of silicon dioxide. Red Jasper gets its striking hue from iron oxide impurities within the stone.

Red Jasper has a long history and has been utilized by various cultures for its energetic and metaphysical properties. It is often associated with grounding, stability, and strength. This gemstone is believed to provide a sense of stability and endurance, offering support during times of stress and helping individuals stay rooted in the present moment.

Metaphysically, Red Jasper is connected to the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra governs our sense of stability, security, and connection to the physical world. Red Jasper's grounding properties are thought to help balance and strengthen the root chakra, promoting feelings of safety, courage, and vitality.

Red Jasper is also associated with nurturing and grounding the physical body. It is believed to enhance vitality, endurance, and overall physical well-being. Some people use Red Jasper for its purported ability to support circulation, aid in detoxification, and promote a sense of balance and harmony within the body.

In terms of spiritual and emotional healing, Red Jasper is thought to bring a sense of stability and emotional strength. It is believed to help release negative emotions, promote a positive outlook, and enhance one's ability to face challenges with resilience and determination.

Red Jasper is commonly used in jewelry-making, and its rich red color adds warmth and depth to various accessories. It can also be used as a polished stone for meditation, energy work, and crystal healing practices to support grounding, stability, and emotional balance.

HEMATITE: Concentration & Protection / Root Chakra

Hematite is a metallic and lustrous mineral that is often recognized for its distinctive deep gray to black color. It is composed mainly of iron oxide, with traces of other minerals. The name "hematite" comes from the Greek word for blood, as it can leave a reddish streak when scratched on a surface.

Hematite has been used for various purposes throughout history, from jewelry and adornments to pigment for artwork. It is known for its grounding and protective properties. Hematite is believed to help anchor and stabilize one's energy, providing a sense of balance and security. It is often used to enhance focus, concentration, and overall mental clarity.

Metaphysically, hematite is associated with the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. The root chakra governs feelings of stability, grounding, and connection to the physical world. Hematite's grounding properties are thought to help align and strengthen the root chakra, promoting a sense of stability, courage, and a feeling of being rooted in one's body and environment.

Hematite is also believed to have protective qualities, shielding individuals from negative energies and electromagnetic radiation. It is often used as a talisman for protection and is said to create a reflective shield around the wearer, helping to deflect and dissolve negative energies.

In terms of healing properties, hematite is believed to support blood circulation and improve overall vitality. It is thought to have a calming and soothing effect on the body and mind, aiding in stress reduction and promoting a sense of relaxation.

Hematite is commonly used in jewelry, as its dark and metallic appearance adds a touch of elegance and versatility to various accessories. 

STRAWBERRY QUARTZ: Love & Calm / Heart Chakra

Strawberry Quartz is a unique and captivating gemstone characterized by its delicate pink color and the presence of inclusions that resemble tiny red or pink fibers. It is a variety of quartz, which is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth, and gets its pink color from trace amounts of iron or manganese within the crystal structure.

Strawberry Quartz is often associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. Its gentle pink hue carries a nurturing and soothing energy, promoting feelings of self-love, empathy, and harmony in relationships. This gemstone is believed to assist in opening the heart chakra and encouraging the release of emotional blockages, fostering a sense of love, joy, and inner peace.

Metaphysically, Strawberry Quartz is connected to the heart chakra, which is located in the center of the chest. The heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional well-being. Strawberry Quartz's energies are said to resonate with the heart chakra, supporting emotional healing, attracting love and positive relationships, and enhancing one's ability to give and receive love.

Strawberry Quartz is also believed to have soothing and calming properties. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting a sense of relaxation and tranquility. This gemstone is often used in meditation and mindfulness practices to deepen self-awareness, cultivate compassion, and enhance one's connection to the present moment.

In terms of its uses, Strawberry Quartz is commonly crafted into jewelry, allowing its soft and radiant energy to be carried with the wearer. It can also be used as a polished stone for crystal healing, energy work, and meditation to support emotional healing, inner growth, and a sense of emotional balance.

APATITE: Creativity & Focus / Throat Chakra

Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals that come in a variety of colors, including blue, green, yellow, and purple. The name "apatite" is derived from the Greek word "apatein," meaning "to deceive," as it can be easily confused with other minerals due to its diverse colors and crystal forms.

Apatite is known for its vibrant and often translucent appearance, which makes it a popular gemstone for jewelry.

Metaphysically, apatite is associated with clarity, inspiration, and self-expression. It is believed to enhance intellectual pursuits, stimulate creativity, and encourage personal growth. Apatite is often used to stimulate the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and self-expression. It is said to help individuals speak their truth, express their ideas, and overcome any fear or blockages related to self-expression.

Apatite is also believed to have a balancing and healing effect on the mind, body, and spirit. It is thought to aid in releasing negativity, promoting motivation, and fostering a sense of clarity and focus. Apatite's energizing properties are said to promote a sense of vitality, aiding in manifestation and goal setting.

In addition to its metaphysical properties, apatite also holds significance in the field of crystal healing. It is believed to support healthy bone formation and maintenance, making it beneficial for skeletal health and dental issues. Apatite is also associated with appetite regulation and is sometimes used to aid in weight management.

It is worth noting that while apatite has various metaphysical and healing associations, individual experiences and sensitivities to gemstones may vary. It is recommended to trust your own intuition and personal experiences when working with apatite or any other gemstone for spiritual or healing purposes.

CLEAR QUARTZ: Amplifier & Cleansing / Crown Chakra

Clear Quartz, also known as Rock Crystal, is one of the most abundant and versatile gemstones in the mineral kingdom. It is a form of quartz crystal that is transparent or translucent, often appearing colorless, although it can occasionally exhibit a faint white or smoky hue.

Clear Quartz is highly regarded for its amplifying and clarifying properties. It is believed to enhance the energy of other gemstones and objects, making it a popular choice for energy workers, crystal healers, and spiritual practitioners. Clear Quartz is often referred to as the "Master Healer" due to its ability to amplify intentions, promote balance, and facilitate overall healing.

Metaphysically, Clear Quartz is associated with all chakras, as it is believed to harmonize and align the energy centers of the body. It is particularly connected with the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, which is associated with spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and divine wisdom. Clear Quartz's clear and purifying energy is said to open and activate the crown chakra, facilitating spiritual growth, clarity of thought, and a deeper connection to the spiritual realm.

Clear Quartz is also valued for its cleansing and purifying properties. It is believed to absorb negative energy, clear stagnant energies, and restore balance and harmony to the body and environment. Clear Quartz can be used for energetic cleansing and programming of other gemstones, crystals, and objects, as it is believed to amplify their properties and intentions.

When working with Clear Quartz, it is important to cleanse and recharge it regularly, as it can absorb and store energy over time. This can be done through methods such as sunlight, moonlight, smudging, or using other cleansing crystals.

OPALITE: Soothing & Balance / Third Eye Chakra

Opalite is a man-made, synthetic glass that is often used as a substitute for natural opal. It is also known by other names such as Sea Opal, Opalized Glass, or Tiffany Stone. Opalite has a milky and iridescent appearance, with a range of colors that can include shades of white, blue, and pink.

Opalite is highly valued for its attractive appearance and mesmerizing play of colors. Its iridescence gives it a mystical and ethereal quality, resembling the luminous glow of natural opal. 

Metaphysically, Opalite is associated with enhancing intuition, promoting spiritual insight, and fostering a sense of calm and serenity. It is believed to have a gentle and soothing energy that can aid in meditation and spiritual practices. Opalite is often used to stimulate and activate the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition, psychic abilities, and inner wisdom.

Opalite is also believed to have a balancing effect on emotions and can assist in letting go of emotional blockages or attachments. It is said to promote a sense of inner peace, increase self-confidence, and enhance communication skills. Opalite's calming properties are thought to help alleviate anxiety, promote restful sleep, and enhance overall emotional well-being.

As Opalite is a man-made glass, it does not possess the same mineral composition or geological origins as natural opals. While it can exhibit similar visual characteristics, Opalite does not carry the same energetic properties or associations as natural opals.


AMETHYST: Clarity & Healing / Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra

Amethyst is a popular and highly prized gemstone known for its stunning purple color. It is a variety of quartz and gets its purple hue from trace amounts of iron and other impurities within the crystal structure.

Amethyst has a rich history and has been revered for centuries for its beauty and spiritual properties. It is associated with qualities such as peace, clarity, and spiritual growth. Amethyst is believed to have a calming and soothing energy, promoting relaxation, balance, and inner harmony. It is often used in meditation practices to quiet the mind, enhance intuition, and connect with higher states of consciousness.

Metaphysically, Amethyst is connected to the third eye chakra and crown chakra. The third eye chakra is associated with intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight, while the crown chakra is linked to higher consciousness and spiritual connection. Amethyst's energy is said to activate and align these chakras, facilitating spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, and a deeper connection to the divine.

Amethyst is also considered a protective stone, believed to guard against negative energies and psychic attacks. It is thought to create a bubble of spiritual light around the wearer, providing a shield of energetic protection. Amethyst's protective properties extend to mental and emotional well-being, as it is said to assist in overcoming addictions, promoting clarity of thought, and supporting emotional healing.

In terms of physical healing, Amethyst is believed to have a purifying effect on the body and can assist in relieving stress, headaches, and insomnia. It is also associated with supporting the immune system and promoting overall well-being.

All crystal healing information provided is intended for spiritual guidance. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or service.